Welcome to Not Your Turn to Burn, a site dedicated to Burn Researchers, Healthcare Community and Advocates of Burn Prevention.
Proven Effective Burn Prevention - Consumers need flashback arresters for burn prevention. A Flame Arrester should be required on every type of consumer fuel container or highly flammable liquid being poured from a container. A simple wire screen or plastic gaurd prevents flashbacks or vapor explosions.
VAPORS EXPLODE- the vapor trail is an invisible wick. Any ignition can ignite the vapors or gases and will cause an explosion. If the opening does not have a safety guard the contents will pressurize and explode burning liquid and gas. These flashback burn injuries are very hard to extinguish and the injuries are horific. Every day Familes, Children and Students are ending up in burn units all over the country. These are prevetnable. Flame Arrestors work every time- 100% effective at preventing- according to all governemetn data and research. Never a documented case of it failing in a consumer product. Low cost. Low Tech. 200 Years of Proof - invented to prevent mine explosions. Works every time.
Students and General Public should get the same safety guard that OSHA and DOD require to protect all employees and all military. Flame Arrestors are routinely utilized every day by trained professionals when they transport flammable liquids in the Oil & Gas industry. They are required from the well head, to the oil tankers, to the gas pump. The first and only place that Flame Arresters are not required is in the fuel containers available to consumers and students.
HERE’S MY STORY: I've been painfully thrust into this experience, from a flashback explosion of fireplace fuel (rated safe for this specific use). In June 2014, I had to use my bare hands and body to extinguish the flames which had engulfed my child, when the unsafe container of flammable liquid was being poured, slowly and carefully, it instantatneously became a bomb-like flame thrower. This could have been prevented, if only the safety gaurd was required (not optional).
Video: Two Mom’s of Survivors- work on Public Advocacy (CBS News- Baltimore, Md.)
“Flammable or Combustible liquid fires resulted in 450 deaths, 3900 injuries and $1.5 Billion in direct property damage per year (3 year average).
Click Here: Link For: NFPA- independant organization- 5 year study.
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